Business, Finance & Management
Programme grande école
About the school
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  • Modern learning environment: Our modern campus is equipped with well-equipped training rooms, high-speed internet access, and online learning tools to facilitate your academic journey.
  • Accréditations

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    La proximité avec nos étudiants qui échangent avec l’équipe des conseillers et conseillères en formation, nos référents pédagogiques. Je la souhaite encore plus grande avec nos entreprises partenaires avec qui nous travaillons sur des conférences métiers, des temps d’échanges à travers des rencontres comme nos petits déjeuners thématiques, nos afterworks, notre soirée tuteurs, nos stage dating ou job dating mais aussi nos projets pédagogiques.
    Stéphane Dadet


    We are delighted to introduce you to Merkure Business School, a higher education institution for business and management located in Aix-en-Provence, France. Since 1989, our school has been training approximately 800 learners each year, striving to prepare them to become highly sought-after professionals by regional and national companies.

    At Merkure Business School, we offer a variety of programs in the fields of marketing, commerce, management, accounting, real estate, human resources, communication, and international business. Whether you aim to obtain a BTS, a Bachelor's degree, or a Master's degree, we have options tailored to your professional goals.

    You will have the opportunity to specialize in areas such as digital marketing, financial management, business strategy, human resources, real estate, or international business. Our programs are designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in your future professional field.

    We understand that each student has different needs and preferences. That's why we offer different study options to accommodate your personal situation. You can choose between full-time initial training as a student, alternating training with long-term internships, or work-study programs as an employee under a professionalization or apprenticeship contract. We are also flexible in terms of utilizing other schemes such as DIF (Individual Right to Training), CIF (Individual Training Leave), or training plans.

    As a school deeply connected to the business world, we have established strong partnerships with over 700 companies each year. This means you will have the opportunity to undertake internships or engage in work-study contracts, allowing you to gain valuable professional experience and develop a professional network right from the start of your studies.

    Our modern and spacious campus provides an environment conducive to learning, with 25 training rooms equipped with high-speed internet access, video projectors, and distance learning tools. You will also have access to our online learning platform, Blackboard Learn, as well as the Merkure Live application, which will provide you with all essential information regarding your studies. Additionally, our break/rest area will allow you to relax and have meals between classes.

  • Various programs: You can choose from a range of programs in different fields such as marketing, business, management, real estate, human resources, communication, and international trade.
  • Career opportunities: Thanks to our network of over 700 partner companies, you will have access to internships and apprenticeship contracts to gain valuable professional experience.
  • Flexible study programs: You have the choice between initial training, alternating rhythm training, or apprenticeship, depending on your preferences and personal situation.
  • Latest courses

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